Though it’s one of the most ravishing places in the Mediterranean, one which can prove dangerously addictive for anyone […]


A perfect holiday in Sicily

The island of Sicily floats off the toe of the boot of Italy, in the centre of the Mediterranean […]


In the second of a six-part series produced in association with Footprint Travel Guides, Mary-Ann Gallagher celebrates an epic island

Italian isle Sicily is one of Europe’s most under rated gems and has everything a holidaymaker could ask for […]


Sicily has a chequered past but is now the perfect holiday destination

Cefalù ha il grande merito di farti stare bene in ogni istante della tua permanenza […]

Stefano LorentiStefano Lorenti

Desiderare di più? Direi impossibile, provare per credere! […]

Anton Emilio Krogh
Anton Emilio KroghAnton Emilio Krogh

Whether you’re looking to relax in nature or indulge your inner history buff, check out our editors’ list of ten incredible locations to see this season. […]


Sicily, Italy

Sotto i 30 gradi della Sicilia, un viaggio alla scoperta della costa Settentrionale. Soffermandosi sulla città medievale di Cefalù e i suoi dintorni fascinosi […]


Cefalù e dintorni

Wedged between mountains and coastline, the tiny northern Sicilian town of Cefalù is perfect for couples […]


The 10 Most Romantic Small Towns in Italy

A bubbling and vivacious fishing village, Cefalu is a darling knot of streets and beach. […]


Plan The Perfect Two Weeks In Sicily

We spent three nights in Cefalù, a beautiful town on the sea. Hugging a curve of the coastline […]


Enthralled by Sicily, Again