The island of Sicily floats off the toe of the boot of Italy, in the centre of the Mediterranean […]


In the second of a six-part series produced in association with Footprint Travel Guides, Mary-Ann Gallagher celebrates an epic island

Italian isle Sicily is one of Europe’s most under rated gems and has everything a holidaymaker could ask for […]


Sicily has a chequered past but is now the perfect holiday destination

Cefalù ha il grande merito di farti stare bene in ogni istante della tua permanenza […]

Stefano LorentiStefano Lorenti

Desiderare di più? Direi impossibile, provare per credere! […]

Anton Emilio Krogh
Anton Emilio KroghAnton Emilio Krogh

From popular beaches where cafes serve fish straight off the boat to nature reserves and hidden coves […]


Sicily’s best beaches: chosen by readers

We spent three nights in Cefalù, a beautiful town on the sea. Hugging a curve of the coastline […]


Enthralled by Sicily, Again

A bubbling and vivacious fishing village, Cefalu is a darling knot of streets and beach. […]


Plan The Perfect Two Weeks In Sicily

Wedged between mountains and coastline, the tiny northern Sicilian town of Cefalù is perfect for couples […]


The 10 Most Romantic Small Towns in Italy

Sotto i 30 gradi della Sicilia, un viaggio alla scoperta della costa Settentrionale. Soffermandosi sulla città medievale di Cefalù e i suoi dintorni fascinosi […]


Cefalù e dintorni

Whether you’re looking to relax in nature or indulge your inner history buff, check out our editors’ list of ten incredible locations to see this season. […]


Sicily, Italy